The 2019 Battlegames Awards for Excellence Winners

The Battlegames Award for Excellence 2019I’m hoping that by now, you’ll have listened to the podcast of the awards ‘ceremony’ held at an undisclosed luxury venue, so here is the list of winners as voted for by the Battlegames on Patreon patrons. Note that for this inaugural award, patrons were permitted to vote for their favourite ever choices, so these results represent some mighty achievements!

The winners are:

Best Historical Ruleset

Best Fantasy or Sci-Fi Ruleset

Best Historical Figure Range

Best Fantasy or Sci-Fi Figure Range

Best ‘Game in a Box’

Best Terrain/Scenery Manufacturer

Best Podcast or YouTube Channel

Best Wargames Magazine

Best Wargaming Book

Best Military History Book

Special Awards for Multiple Nominations

  • Bad Squiddo Games
  • Pendraken Miniatures
  • Perry Miniatures
  • Baccus 6MM
  • Wargames Foundry
  • Gripping Beast

Congratulations to all our winners!


  1. I am relatively new to miniature wargaming, and just finished “The Wargaming Compendium”, so finding this website is a godsend. I have played Memoir 44 numerous times and really love it. I recently picked up Command and Colors Napoleonics, so I guess I am on the right track.
    I have a great deal of new stuff to check out.
    Thank you for some guidelines.

    • Thanks for stopping by, John, and welcome to our wonderful hobby. Thanks for buying the book and you may find the regular magazines like Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy, Wargames Illustrated and Miniature Wargames to be useful sources of up-to-date information too.

      • Thank you for the advice. I really liked your tips on creating different battles. I have a bunch of 10mm ACW figures to be painted and I would love to use for a game for some of the smaller battles: for example Corinth or Brices Crossroads. I just need time and a quick kick in the ____.

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