Ayton 2016: Games for the Weekend
Speaking now as the umpire of the campaign, rather than as a roving reporter, I can tell you that the last few days have been incredibly busy, preparing for the weekend and collating the scores […]
Speaking now as the umpire of the campaign, rather than as a roving reporter, I can tell you that the last few days have been incredibly busy, preparing for the weekend and collating the scores […]
Mikkelsensborg, 6th may 1750 The whole of Europia is stunned as we learn of the terrible events in the south of our country that took place yesterday. Ofteborg, sturdy fortress town and home to thousands […]
Juulsborg, 29th April 1750 News has just reached us of a sharp action which took place on 27th April at Ubbynedre near Riemannsborg. It appears that cavalry advance guards from the Medetian army on […]
Juulsborg, 28th April 1750 This morning, just before daybreak, the harbour at Knudsenhaven was rocked by a massive explosion after a brief but fierce fire ripped through the Aytonian Ship Lucy Tanner, a merchant vessel […]
Couervige, 19th April 1750 “If ye think I’m weering that in ma bonnet, ye can shove it right up yer hoolies!” These were the words uttered by Private Heen MacFeegle when his sergeant major issued him […]
Juulsborg, 18th April 1750 This afternoon, watercress shares have rocketed on rumours of an unexpected and sudden demand. Merchants from across the province of Nordsax have reported a tripling in prices offered by the region’s […]
I know that some of you are keen to follow this year’s campaign and the build-up to the weekend in Ayton, which should result in one or more cataclysmic battles that will live long in […]
Had you been the proverbial fly on my wall recently, then beside gnashing of teeth and pulling of hair, you would also have heard the scratching of quill upon parchment. Well, okay, actually the squeaking […]
I’m a very busy man. In fact, the mystery is figuring out why it is that the older I get, the busier I get. Why did I ever imagine that by the time I hit […]
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