FridgeYou know how it is. It’s late at night or between ‘proper’ meals. Your tummy rumbles, so you wander to the kitchen, open the refrigerator, the light comes on and you browse the shelves, hoping that a tasty snack or beverage might just grab your attention and satisfy your appetite. Maybe it’s a pork pie, a half-forgotten chunk of cheese, or something healthier like a yoghurt or a piece of fresh fruit. If you’re thirsty, maybe a cold beer or a carton of fruit juice. Only you can know what will just ‘hit the spot’.

Over the years, I’ve produced quite a few extra bits and pieces to accompany articles in Battlegames. These, together with miscellaneous PDFs, Word documents, images and so on, are offered here in my digital fridge on an ‘as is’ basis, completely free of charge, in the hope that they might pique your interest or satisfy your snacking appetite, sending you happily back to the sofa feeling sated. All of them are my own copyright unless stated otherwise.

I shall also be adding to this collection, so check back from time to time.

Just click on the links below to download these free items.

Oh, and please close the fridge door after you’ve finished.

I would just say one thing. If you like what you have found in the fridge and find it useful and/or entertaining, please consider making a donation, however small — and I mean small, 50p, £1 or a dollar will do — to the Battlegames Combat Stress Appeal. Thank you.

Playsheets for Shot, Steel & Stone NB An updated version will be posted here in late May 2024.

Shot, Steel & Stone – the Bare Essentials Errata/FAQ as at March 2024 (PDF)

Updated p.17 of the Shot, Steel & Stone rules—the Movement Penalties & Bonuses Table to correct omissions. (PDF)

The Shot, Steel & Stone rules measuring device: the ‘Dave’. (PDF)

Harry Pearson’s Belli Minimi rules, published in Battlegames issue 1 with his piece about the famous Greeks v Achaemenid Persians Battle of Marathon.