Protected: Injecting More Imagination into Imagi-nations
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There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
At 3.33 am this morning, I launched the Battlegames Patreon page at https://www.patreon.com/battlegames where you can read all the details about how the scheme works and the goals I am setting. As I write this, pledges […]
Welcome back folks, and the surprise opening gambit for 2018 has been not wargaming stuff as such, but a couple of videos I’ve done focusing on health issues for wargamers, board gamers, video gamers, writers […]
Transatlantic wargaming buddy Jay Arnold recently gave me the chance to speak freely (don’t I always?) on the subject of my forthcoming book for Pen & Sword, Wargaming Campaigns. You can listen to the podcast […]
This is my new, imaginary sub-continent of Dahlia and Chindrastan. I have created it for forthcoming wargaming campaigns, but it also forms a critical part of my next book for Pen & Sword, because […]
This lengthy post comes on the anniversary of one of the largest battles fought on the European mainland – Königgrätz, also known as Sadowa, in the Austro-Prussian “seven week’s” War, fought on July 3rd-4th, 1866. […]
“It may be a personal thing, but the digital version just doesn’t quite cut it for me. I can’t get excited about finding old spreadsheets. Can you?” […]
I had quite an, umm, ‘interesting’ time getting to the WHC which is located on a small industrial estate just outside Kingsclere, not far from Basingstoke. Not to worry, I arrived at last, only to […]
I’m off to sunny (hah, fat chance!) Basingstoke for the Don Featherstone Commemoration Weekend at the Wargames Holiday Centre. Tomorrow, the Duke of Marlborough will be strutting his stuff on the field of Blenheim. You […]
Iain Burt came down from darkest Essex to play our once-a-year dust-up, featuring hundreds of 30mm Spencer Smiths (and this year some Holger Erikssons too). We chose Charles S Grant’s “Chance Encounter” scenario from Scenarios […]
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