Pricing in the Wargames Hobby
I’ve been browsing TMP. Silly of me, I know, but I just have to speak out after seeing yet another thread where people are opining that there is something wrong with companies seeking to make […]
I’ve been browsing TMP. Silly of me, I know, but I just have to speak out after seeing yet another thread where people are opining that there is something wrong with companies seeking to make […]
At the same time as I’m finishing the account of last year’s Grenouissian Intermezzo campaign and games, it’s time for me to get started on this year’s foray which features the mysterious colony of Byzarbia. […]
With the Battlegames name having been acquired by Atlantic Editions, I am separating my efforts as an individual wargamer and author from the business side of things, especially since there will now be ‘official’ blog […]
I’m delighted to announce that the first issue under the new ownership of Atlantic Editions Limited is humming away on the presses right now and is due to be published in time for Christmas. As […]
The Watford Gap services, and so far, all is well. The car is packed not only with hundreds of Spencer Smiths, but also with boxes stuffed with scenery, piles of terrain squares and bags bulging […]
What with everything else going on, you should know that I’m also making my own troop preparations! The forces of Granprix and Grenouisse will be involved – it’s not all being left up to mercenaries. […]
Now, what were we just saying about making assumptions? There I was, feeling good about myself having spent most of Wednesday poring over maps and orders before sending out everyone’s situation reports, assuming that the […]
With the first orders from the participants arriving thick and fast, it has become clear that I made an assumption that people were used to giving map coordinates, when of course they aren’t! So, here’s […]
The following message has just been sent to all participants: Afternoon all, Okay, this is what I need from you. By now, you should have all have received your first Situation Report, dated 11th April […]
Timbers creaked ominously as the vessel rose, teetered momentarily on the crest, and then plunged in a cloud of spray into the valley of the wave, causing a booming explosion which shuddered the ship from […]
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