cavalry clash at Ubbynedre

Ambush at Ubbynedre

Juulsborg, 29th April 1750   News has just reached us of a sharp action which took place on 27th April at Ubbynedre near Riemannsborg. It appears that cavalry advance guards from the Medetian army on […]

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Aïoli for the Masses?

Couervige, 19th April 1750 “If ye think I’m weering that in ma bonnet, ye can shove it right up yer hoolies!” These were the words uttered by Private Heen MacFeegle when his sergeant major issued him […]

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Watercress Through the Roof

Juulsborg, 18th April 1750 This afternoon, watercress shares have rocketed on rumours of an unexpected and sudden demand. Merchants from across the province of Nordsax have reported a tripling in prices offered by the region’s […]

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Horse and Musket

Prunkland Prepares

In a few weeks time, Iain Burt will be invading the Loftwaffe, bringing the mighty hordes of the Gateway Alliance to do battle with the forces of Prunkland. Time, therefore, for some preparation! Back in […]