Battlegames Issue 31 is on the Presses!

Battlegames issue 31 front coverHere are the contents of issue 31, which goes on sale officially on Monday 10th September*:

  • Wargames widow Diane Sutherland is “Wargaming with herbs”! She’s been making marvellous market stalls for exotic locations. And let me make it clear that the herbs are all legal…
  • New Battlegames contributors Mark Herdman and Paul Goodwin combine to bring us a fascinating report of their attempt to recreate Peter Gilder’s famous Sudan project using 1/72 plastics in “Up the Nile in 20mm steps”.
  • After the online furore caused by our review in issue 30, rules author Sam Mustafa describes “Giving birth to Maurice” and the innovations he hopes his rules bring to 18th century wargaming.
  • In his short “Send three and fourpence” column, Conrad Kinch gives his views on the current debate about the price of rulesets in “You can’t always get what you want”.
  • Highly organised hobbyist Stokes Schwartz regales us with “Dress those ranks, Sergeant Major!”, full of ideas to help make your armies more visually appealing. Lots of piccies!
  • Belgian gamer Bart Vetters brings us this issue’s Command Challenge with “By any means: a river crossing scenario”, featuring a Napoleonic Franco-Bavarian force taking on the Austrians. Tense and exciting stuff!
  • With Maurice and many other rulesets these days using a variety of techniques to introduce ‘friction’ to our games, veteran wargamer Ross Macfarlane takes a wide-ranging look at the systems available and their origins in the hobby in “Friction burns”.
  • Jon Sutherland, commander of the Wargames Holiday Centre in Crete, general of a hundred wargame armies, one-time loyal servant of Games Workshop, father to countless wargames projects, and husband to our wargames widow, regales us with his first article: “Shiny syndrome, or just what is it that makes wargamers tick?”
  • I continue my own series discussing tabletop tactics in my” Win more wargames” series, taking another look at deployment, this time with an attack/defence scenario that follows on from last issue’s battle.
  • And of course we have Neil Shuck with “Forward Observer”, Mike Siggins will be regaling us with “Thoughts from the armchair”, Tricks of the Newark Irregulars updates the Diary of Events for October-November and we have an update on our Combat Stress Appeal.

That should keep you busy until the next one!

Also, keep an eye on this blog for an announcement in about a week’s time.

*We’re secretly hoping it will be out just in time for Colours at Newbury…


  1. Reminds me I must finish off my first article. Been distracted by being on holiday, reading Girl Genius, and painting lots of lovely miniatures. Sorry, easily distracted by shiny things.

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