Sell your what?
No, cellulitis. That’s what I’ve got, with a touch of thrombosis thrown in for free. And no, that’s not cellulite, either, the spongy, pitted skin that larger ladies of a certain age often suffer from. […]
No, cellulitis. That’s what I’ve got, with a touch of thrombosis thrown in for free. And no, that’s not cellulite, either, the spongy, pitted skin that larger ladies of a certain age often suffer from. […]
WordPress have just introduced a new facility for creating polls, so I thought I’d plunge straight in during a coffee break from creating issue 15 of the magazine and try it out. So, please tick […]
Issue 14 seems to have been very well received indeed, with Bob Barnetson’s calm and reasoned article on figure piracy and Barry Hilton’s suggestions for rapid painting techniques receiving particular praise. One reader, Steve Burt, […]
I managed to rack up something in excess of 1,200 miles last weekend, much of it in less than clement weather. The occasion? A visit to Battlegames columnist and ‘Flanderkin Serjeant‘ blogger John Preece in […]
Those of you who pay attention to such things will have seen the news that issue 14 of Battlegames has just arrived from the printers and is being sent out to subscribers, retailers and distributors […]
A number of people have emailed me to ask about the article I wrote that was published in issue 47 of Miniature Wargames way, way back in April 1987. For those of you who may […]
Gentle reader, from time to time it takes someone to ask a really obvious question before we realise that we have either explained something badly, or perhaps not at all! So it was that earlier […]
I had an email from Jules of Figures in Comfort yesterday to tell me that on his own sponsored diet, he has managed to lose no less than 15lbs so far, so I offer my […]
You will see this appeal explained in full in the forthcoming issue 14 of Battlegames which goes to press on Friday, but since the mechanism used for raising funds is already in place, the Battlegames […]
Unusually for me, I failed to take a single photograph at the Redoubt show over the weekend, but I can tell you that it was hot, hot, hot! The battlements of the doughnut-shaped fort kept […]
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