The Wargaming Compendium eBook Back on Sale Now

The Wargaming Compendium by Henry Hyde front coverI’m delighted to report that the revised and much improved digital version of The Wargaming Compendium is now available again. It is already available via the Pen & Sword website in both ePub and Kindle formats and will now doubt be appearing on Amazon and elsewhere before long.

My thanks to Kariss Ainsworh of P&S for ensuring that the changes I recommended (and there were many!) have been carried out and that the book is back on sale at a fair price (£9) that more accurately reflects the huge amount of work that has gone into its production, whilst still representing a massive discount on the £35 cover price of the hardback. The corrected and updated version is the most attractive Kindle book I’ve ever seen and whether you’ve seen the hardback or not, I think you’ll be impressed with the production values.


  1. ” the most attractive Kindle book I’ve ever seen”?? Having got a hard copy of your book, I’d say it would be a little disappointing on Kindle – unless you mean Kindle Fire…

    • I’m referring to the work they have put into the book’s layout and typography as much as the pretty colour pictures that can be seen in their full glory by those with appropriate devices. The original book had all kinds of sidebars, captions and quotations that created a bit of a nightmare for those responsible for converting the book’s artwork for digital formats – hence the number of errors in their first attempt!

    • Hi Andy

      I’m afraid I have no idea – best to contact Pen & Sword about this via their website or @PenSwordDigital on Twitter.

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