Miniature Wargames with Battlegames 371 On the Presses

Miniature Wargames with Battlegames issue 371 front coverMiniature Wargames with Battlegames issue 371 will be published 21st February and here’s what you can look forward to:

Forward Observer: Neil Shuck looks at the diversity of games that can be played on a small dining table, an interesting range of scenario booklets from Britton Publishers, the upsurge in Spanish Civil War gaming, “The Sharp End” campaign supplement from TooFatLardies, new SF rules “Polyversal”, new post-apocalyptic gaming with “Across the Dead Earth”, Steampunk fun with Alternative Civil War 1861, fighting Dien Bien Phu with Red Star Miniatures and a new supplement for “Skirmish Sangin” from Radio Dishdash, as well as his customary roundup of the latest Kickstarter ventures.

The continuing tales of a wargames widow – no Christmas ceasefire: No peace for the wicked in the Sutherland household over the Christmas season! Diane Sutherland was persuaded by her nephew to create a superb WWI trench layout. Very topical for this year’s WWI commemorations, of course.

Fantasy facts:  John Treadaway casts his keen eye over the Fantasy and SF world – including new releases from Darkest Star, fantasy figures from Brigade and exploring new worlds and civilisations with teeny tiny Star Trek models…

The gentle art of the Active Umpire: Andy Copestake is a well-known figure on the wargames scene, and here he explores the ways that a good umpire can hugely enhance your gaming experience. All it needs is a volunteer with a thorough knowledge of their history and a wicked sense of humour!

Send three and fourpence: Conrad Kinch explores the idea of raising ‘capsule armies’ that will maximise your gaming opportunities.

Work in progress: like many wargamers, Dillon Browne gets his inspiration from many sources and then finds it can be expressed in surprising ways. In this article, we gain an insight into how one gamer’s mind works, ranging from WWII to the ECW!

Videbo vos in litore: well, here’s a first – an Ancients scenario… Testing a popular ruleset… By a solo gamer… Without any miniatures! A surprising and thought-provoking piece from Chris Hahn, well known in the solo wargaming fraternity.

Granddad’s battle: Graham Burke provides an exciting series of scenarios covering the capture of Lingèvres on 14th June 1944, an action where his own grandfather was wounded. Time to dust off your Panthers and Shermans!

Salamanca’s siren call: my own series to fulfil my promise of providing rules for Peninsular War battles. In this issue, we cover command, movement and shooting, with the rules for melee and morale concluding the series for the time being next month.

The rise of the Boxers: the boys from Grimsby, Dave Tuck and Malcolm Johnston, provide an overview of the Boxer Rebellion, including a simple set of rules for fast and furious gaming. Colourful stuff!

Vivat 2013: Austrian gamer Franz Ehart reports on the first ever historical tabletop wargaming show in Austria, which took place inside a wonderful museum housing thousands of exquisite tin flats. It’s hard to imagine, but we are witnessing the first shaky steps in Austria of the hobby we take for granted in the UK and US.

Well oil be! Stokes Schwartz encourages us to take the plunge and add alkyd oil colours to our painting repertoire, with lovely examples of his own work.

Recce: our regular review column examines the a clutch of the latest books and takes an in-depth look at the Lardies’ “At the Sharp End” campaign rules for WWII.

And of course, there’s our Battlegames Combat Stress Appeal and a few other goodies too.

Don’t forget that issue 372 out in March contains the Salute 2014 show guide!!


1 Comment

  1. Henry,
    I thought this was a splendid issue – lots to read and think about. I particularly like Dillon Browne’s piece, but would dearly like to know more about his ECW game on a square grid. Good to see your Salamance series back again!
    Your editorial struck a chord, as I’ve been suffering a similar feeling about wargaming, but this issue of MWBG has helped lift me out of it, so thank you!

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