Issue 402 will be my final issue of MWBG. The publishers want to try some new ideas to take the magazine forward, as is of course their right, so I have decided that it would be best if someone with a fresh perspective shouldered that responsibility, and my resignation, which was accepted last week, takes effect once this issue goes to press.
Warners are in the process of appointing my successor who will take over from issue 403. No appointment has yet been made as far as I am aware, but of course I am sure that whoever takes over will do a great job. [UPDATE: John Treadaway was appointed as the new editor on 6th September.]
I shall be saying my farewells in my final “Briefing” of issue 402 which goes to press at the end of next week, and of course you’ll also read my final “Forward Observer”, “World Wide Wargaming” and the last instalment of the “Wars of the Faltenian Succession”. Lots to do!
Therefore, I would be grateful if you would allow me to complete my task as best I can over the next ten days or so, in order that this issue is up to the same standard as all the previous ones. Whilst I shall do my best to keep track of online comments, I must concentrate on doing a professional job right to the end, and the fact is that there will be many questions to which I simply cannot provide answers, and it is the team at Warners to whom queries should be addressed (contact details are all on page 3 of the magazine). I shall therefore refrain from commenting until my task is complete.
In addition, it must ask you to stop sending me submissions – until a successor is appointed, I can only pass them on to Warners for the next Editor to assess. Moreover, those of you who have already sent me submissions must let me know whether, for any reason, you do not wish your article(s) to be passed on to Warners. I shall assume that, unless I hear from you, you are happy for your article(s) to remain in the content armoury for the magazine going forward. [UPDATE: John Treadaway’s contact details will appear in issue 403 but he can be emailed at john_treadaway at outlook dot com.]
It has been a pleasure and an honour to have steered the merger of Battlegames with Miniature Wargames, and I cannot express how grateful I am for all the support I have recieved over my ten years in wargame magazine production from all of you, but it is time for me to leave my baby behind and move on to pastures new, and of course you all know where to find me online.
I am sure that the team at Warners will keep you apprised of future developments and I wish them, and the magazine, every success for the future.
A sad news, but a new beginnig….and who knows, there would be probaly a Letter from the Editor Vol. 2 (I´m a big fan of your podcasts).
Keep on gaming
Greetz from Munich
Thank you Josef. Who knows, maybe there will be more podcasts…
Oh dear Henry, what are we going to do without you? You’re going to be greatly missed. I’m sure John T will do a great job but it ain’t gonna be you at the helm, which is very sad.
In my humble opinion you have been as influential to wargaming in recent years as Donald Featherstone, Charles Grant and Terry Wise were in the earlier era – at least you have to me.
Hope all goes well with you in the future.
Thank you Ernie, those are very kind – and highly flattering – words. I don’t think I’m quite in their pioneering league; if I’ve just managed to help keep the flame alive, then I’ll be satisfied.
Very sorry to hear you have resigned, not too sure about all the alterations being proposed but time will tell.
Good luck, all the best for the future and keep rolling those six’s.
Thanks Jeff – it’s been a pleasure publishing your work.
Sorry to hear you’re leaving, Henry.
I hadn’t bought any of wargaming magazines for years until you came to the helm of the joint MWBG, so there’s a tribute!
On a personal note, maybe this will give you more time to concentrate on your health (says a fellow sufferer from Type 2).
Thank you Allen. And health is indeed something on my mind.
Best of luck on your new ventures Henry. I still fondly recall our correspondence many years ago before BG became a reality. Being a Charter Member way back then was a wonderful decision as it brought a strangely paradoxical “nostalgic freshness” to our wonderful hobby. Would buy your ” recollections of the Faltenian Succession” complete with rules, mnaps, battle reports and “How to” interludes in a heartbeat.
Thanks also for your support as editor in publishing my article on “The Sands of Sudan” rules. It was and is greatly appreciated.
Thank you Carlo, and our long association means a great deal. I’ll always be grateful to the Charter Subscribers who took that leap of faith with me and, well, it was fun for a while! Thanks also for your continued interest in my future, and I’m sure that at some point, I’ll be putting pen to paper (well, fingers to keyboard!) in the way you describe. 🙂
Good luck to you and your new projects, Henry. It has been a pleasure to follow you from OSW to Battlegames to MW. I’ve no doubt that interesting new adventures will follow.
Thank you Jim, much obliged.
well henry if miniature war games starts going down hill again I will be forced to find another magazine to read you brought it out back into the lime light all the best and thank you for years of fun and direction on wargaming
Thank you Alan.
Thanks Henry for a fine Job, in the news agencies in Australia we tend to get the maga zine in months after publishing in the UK and thus I am rarely up to date. But this time it popped up on a couple of blogs that crossed my path. Sad to see you go and I wish you all the success for the future. I hope that it still includes publishing wargaiming mags in one form or another. regards Chris
Thanks Chris. I’m done with wargames magazine publishing for the time being, but I shall certainly be writing articles and publishing other forms of wargaming and military history material alongside the fiction I’ve been yearning to write for decades.
Well, Henry, I don’t know how I missed this. You have done an exemplary job since taking over MW and uniting it with Battlegames. MW really had been left behind by the modern world, and you have brought it back to the top. I shall miss your brand of humour, and your commitment to the cause. I wish your successor everything good, but still hope you will keep us entertained in the future. I for one want to see that ECW collection in action!
Thank you Andrew. You will most certainly see the ECW figures in action, and I’m delighted to tell you that your own collection will feature again in the last issue under my editorship. I happened to have the photos to hand because I’ve been glued to them for inspiration! 😀
Henry, as another subscriber since Battlegames Nr 1 I’d also like to thank you for putting OSW type gaming back in the mainstream through the mag, and for all you have done for the hobby so far, including Wargames Compendium which is a worthy successor to the greats of the 1960s and 70s. I subscribe to your digital publishing company news so hope that will thrive and I look forward to continued stimulation from whatever you do next.
Chris Gregg
Thanks for your very kind comments, Chris, and of course hope to bring you plenty more – including some surprises – via Gladius.
Sad to hear that you will no longer be at the helm, you’ve done a splendid job and MWBG won’t be the same without you. I’ll miss reading your editorial’s as these are always the first thing I turn to when I receive my copy in the post. Best wishes and success for whatever you turn your prodigious skills to next!
Thank you Lee. Fear not, there will be plenty — hopefully even more — for you to read!
Thank you for supporting my fledgling article writing career. I am sorry that we never met in person, but wanted to thank you for all of your support and your editing of my articles.
Good Luck in what ever you decide to do in the future.
You’re welcome Tony — and the pleasure is mine. You write cracking ‘how to’ stuff!
I have been with you since Issue 1 of Battlegames and you got me back into buying a wargames magazine which I hadn’t done for many years. You even mentioned my humble freewargamesrules website in your Wargames Compendium, which I received as a review copy from the publishers. Now what a tome that is!
You were an inspiration to me and that is how I ended up as Editor of The Society of Twentieth Century Wargamers magazine The Journal.
All the best in your future endeavours
Thanks for the kind words, Pete – and of course I mentioned your freewargamesrules site – it’s a fantastic resource! Delighted to have provided you with inspiration – I couldn’t have hoped for anything more rewarding.
Thank you Henry, for 10 years of reading pleasure!
Thank you, Wim.
Best of luck Henry!
Thanks Pat.
Henry: thank you for ten years of excellence in publishing both BG and MWBG and for publishing a few of my articles along the way. You truly brought MW back from the dead and I always enjoyed the layout work and professionalism that you brought to both magazines. I really enjoyed the tone of your magazines as they always seemed like a group of gamers sitting around the old cracker barrel telling tall tales and spinning yarns, and just having fun.
I can only imagine that it is a mixed blessing for you, on the one hand, leaving your baby to fend for itself, but on the other hand, there is probably a sense of relief to be off of the monthly production schedule and have the ability to relax and enjoy life a little more.
I have no doubt that we will continue to see some amazing wargame projects from you in the coming years.
best regards,
Thanks for those very kind comments Jim. I’m grateful to you and all those other Charter Subscribers who – ten years ago, hard to believe, isn’t it? – gave me the chance to make a splash in the wargaming pond. There’s plenty more to come from me, don’t you worry – I have had to take this drastic step to be doing more of the things that I would deeply regret not having at least attempted. We only live once…
All the best Henry. I’ve been with you since issue one and it’s been fun. I wait to see where the mag goes, but I will miss my monthly dose of OSW-tinged gaming stuff.
Best wishes for the future Henry – I will be interested to see what you do next.
Thank you Marc. No doubt my future will remain ‘osw-tinged’!
Whatever happened to the old saying, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”…?
So Warners want to try out some new things eh?
*Good luck with that!*
All the best for the future Henry. At least you’ll have time to breathe now, and that’s a good start. 🙂
Thank you Paul.
I know that probably this change will be for the best for you, but I will really miss your input and work in the hobby. I have enjoyed “Battlegames” since issue #1 and still reread many of the articles for ideas. I wish you the best and hope that we can still keep in contact, in a manner of speaking, through the Veranda, through you journal and however you turn up again.
Thanks for your kind comments, Dave, and fear not, I have no intention of ‘going dark’!
All too sad Henry. Time does move on and things do change but I don’t have to like them! While I hope that the new guys do an excellent job worth supporting, it will not be you, your style, your grace, and your sense of humor. I will miss them all. Hope the change works all to your benefit and happiness; and, that you at least get to spend more time gaming 😉
Thanks for your charming comments, Jim. I shall indeed be doing more gaming – but also more writing, which I hope you’ll continue to enjoy. you’ll see! 😉
Very sad news IMHO, MW has gone from being the wooden spoon winner to a racing thoroughbred of the wargame magazine world. It is the only one I subscribe to as I can be sure of a good read. As was the case with the original Battle games. Good luck Henry, put your feet up and play some games.
Thanks Graham. I don’t think I’m going to have much time to put my feet up – but that’s how I like it!
Sorry to hear this Henry. I was with Battlegames from issue 1 and it was always a great read pre and post- MW merger.
At least I managed to win one of the competitions! Good luck in your next adventure!
Thanks Alastair, very much appreciated.
Hi Henry – you have been an exemplary editor, a wonderful and tireless ambassador, an inspired and dedicated author and a fine example of everything which is great about the hobby. I am very sorry to hear this news, but I’m looking forward to the next part of your adventure!
Very best wishes indeed for Gladius and the future!
Thanks Sidney, that’s very kind of you. I only hope that my new ventures can live up to your expectations! 🙂
Hello Henry,
Very sad to hear you’re finishing up at MWWBG but given your comments etc. over the past few months not unexpected.
I have enjoyed immensely your stewardship of the magazine. You leave a massive hole for your replacement to fill.
I guess I can forget about sending you my “Wargaming my way” article then! 🙂
I wish you all the best in your future endeavours and look forward to seeing (and hearing) what you come up with. I guess maybe we can get a few more episodes of VftV now you have some spare time. 🙂
Thanks very much for your kind comments, Neil. And I’m always available for episodes of View from the Veranda – it’s poor Neil who has to do all the editing! 😀
Sorry to hear you are leaving. I have the Battlegames from Issue 1 so I do hope that they do not change the “flavour” but thanks for the 400 plus issues of a consistantly worthwhile and enjoyable mag. Good luck in the future.
Thank you Stephen.
Just wanted to wish you luck with your new venture, keep up the good work
Thank you Simon.
I was proud to be a charter subscriber on Battlegames. That seems so long ago now. Can’t see how they will follow your steady hand at the tiller but as you say. Time will tell. Thank you for all the solid input and energy you brought to the world of the Wargames magazine and all the very best for your future endeavours. As you say….’roll ’em high!’
Thank you Gerard and yes indeed, your support for my work dates back more than 10 years, for which I am extremely grateful. Hopefully, I’ll be bringing you more projects that you like.
I cannot say that I am totally surprised to read your news Henry and I wish you all the very best for the future ventures.
Thanks Phil. You’ll see me soon.
That explains why my online subscription was cancelled.
Ah well they will need to prove they can do just as good job in delivering a true miniature Wargames magazine. I have enjoyed the work you have done and hope to see you in future endeavours. Thanks for all your hard work !!
Actually, the online subscription was cancelled because they’re bringing the digital production in-house — nothing to do with me, though the way that has been handled adds to my sense that I’ve made the right decision. But thanks for hour supoort and there will be much more from me very soon.
Just wanted to thank you for all your hard work. I started subscribing to MW when you took the helm and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading it from cover to cover ever since. I hope you find gainful employment really soon – I’d hate to see your ECW project go on hiatus due to a lack of funds!
All the best!
Thank you Tom. Fear not, the Roundheads and Cavaliers will be galloping across my table before long!
Well, thank you for all those great issues of both magazines. I have enjoyed them all and I’m sure I will enjoy whatever you’ll do in the future.
I will certainly miss your competitions (and all the prizes 🙂 ) but that is already old news.
Cheers, Henry!
Thanks Joakim! Yes, you did do very well out of those competitions… 😀
Your excellent Wargaming Compendium and MWBG got me back into wargaming – surprised and sad to hear you’ve left.
Good luck with your next venture. Roll ’em high!
Thank you Dave – and I’m delighted you enjoyed the Compendium too. I need the time to finish the next book above all else!
Congratulations on a terrific job well done and producing a true war gaming magazine. All the best for your future plans.
Thank you David, I’m glad you’ve enjoyed it.
Henry, MW with you at the helm has has an excellent run. We’ll all be keeping an eye out for your next venture. I for one need to know which rules you are picking for your ECW collection.
Thank you Paul, and I’ll keep you posted. I’ve found some variants of Commands & Colors to try out, but you can bet that I’ll also be writing my own!
I’m sorry to hear this news.
A job is always temporary, but the respect and trust you have earned and deserved as the standard-bearer of the “Spirit of Wargaming” is something that will remain for a much longer time.
Thank you Phil, I very much appreciate your kind comments. It’s been a pleasure being able to publish just a few of your marvellous articles.
Sorry to hear that you are departing for what I hope will be greener and better pastures. You turned MWBG into a magazine that you can be proud of, and the only commercial one that I buy every month.
I hope that whoever replaces you will try to keep the content to the same, high standard you have maintained.
I wish you well for the future, and I look forward to continuing to read your blog and to see you at various wargame shows.
All the best,
Thank you Bob. Ten years editing wargames magazines is enough for any man’s sanity, methinks! Your comments are very much appreciated and I’m sure the right person will emerge to run the magazine.
And yes, the theory is that I will also have more time for my own blogging!
The end of an era, I hope we’ll still see you at show with your trusty camera?
Hello Ray, thanks for stopping by. And of course, you’ll see me at a few choice shows each year – as a civilian!
Very sorry to see you go, Henry. Under your editorship, the magazine enjoyed a fine run of consistently high quality and stimulating material. I wish you well in your next endeavour and Look forward to your continuing active contribution to the hobby.
Thank you Tim, that’s very kind, and fear not, you’ll be seeing plenty of me!
Are they changing the title?
Because it just won’t be Battlegames without Henry at the helm!
Best of luck with all things Gladius and beyond.
Thanks Gareth. I don’t think they have plans to change the title at this stage, but of course, that’s up to them.
How bizzare Henry
Confirming all the points that you so rigorously denied when I put them
to you!!
Anyway, I wish you well with your next endeavours.
Things have changed considerably since then, and that’s a fact!
Sorry to hear that Henry, but, in light of recent events I’m not surprised.
keep on keeping on
Thanks Mel. One knows when one’s time has come.
you shall be sadly missed, you are a legend in the hobby and a great influence on us all. I wish you every success with ventures new and always ‘Roll em high’.
Thank you Gary, that’s very kind.
Ah well,
My subscription finishes soon and I’m always reluctant to buy an unknown quality.
Mike Leese
Thanks for stopping by, Mike. Only time will tell…
Can I wish you well in your future endeavours Henry and thank you for everything to date. I hope to see more from you as an author and will look forward yoer next offerings.
Thank you Ken.