Miniature Wargames with Battlegames issue 367 Out This Week

It’s already time for another issue, and this one will be published on Friday 18th October (subscribers may receive their copy earlier). The cover features the Battle of Thapsus staged by Simon Miller and the Muswell Hill Militia at Colours this year.

Miniature Wargames with Battlegames isssue 367 front cover

• Forward Observer
As usual, columnist and podcaster Neil Shuck covers the ground, taking the historical, the fantastical and the downright strange in his stride. This time he reports on the Command Decision 15mm WWII range, gaming the Arab-Israeli conflict, the recent output of Baker Company, the interesting problems thrown up by a model of Pegasus Bridge, the Of Gods and Men figure range, Baueda’s new Dark Age 15mm range, new tablet-based game systems, the appeal of “Achtung! Cthulhu” and the promise of new modern miniatures from the Honourable Lead Boiler Suit Company.

• Quay to success
Wargames widow Diane Sutherland drums up a quayside at short notice, suitable for all things maritime whatever your favourite period. So, splice your mainbrace, roll up your sleeves and get building!

• Fantasy facts
John Treadaway makes his customary trawl of the fantasy and science fiction world , examining the latest figures and equipment likely to make a gaming gentleman’s wallet wobble. These include the latest offerings from Clear Horizon Miniatures, C P Models, Ground Zero Games and Crooked Dice.

• First in the field: Don Featherstone’s place in wargaming history
Last month, we mourned the passing of the father of British wargaming, but the Editor also felt that we should see Don Featherstone’s contributions to the hobby in context. Here, John Curry, Editor of the History of Wargaming Project, takes up the challenge.

• Salamanca’s siren call part 3: organising our units
Following a brief break for our Don Featherstone commemorative issue, the Editor resumes his quest for the perfect tabletop portrayal of this key Peninsular War battle.

• Command challenge: attack on Papadopoli Island October 1918
Rob Broom of Scarab Miniatures presents an unusual river crossing scenario staged at the very end of the First World War, which provides a suitable commemoration of the bravery of the British , Italian and Austro-Hungarian forces who fought in one of the toughest theatres exactly 95 years ago.

• Send three and fourpence
This month, Conrad Kinch pays his respects to the great Donald Featherstone who passed away in September, saluting his legacy.

• The importance of imagi-nation
New contributor Matt Moran has been bitten by the imagi-nations bug, but not for him the steady tread of eighteenth century troops upon the field. His tastes range from the ancient to the ultra-modern and beyond and this is his story.

• Plenty of Weigle room: “Are they Prussians?”
When we heard that celebrated landscape gamer Bruce Weigle was coming to Colours 2013, the Editor unleashed Tim Beresford and Mike Siggins on this quietly-spoken sensei of miniatureworld creation.

• Wiener Planspielregeln part 2
Austrian contributor Franz Ehart completes his ground-breaking two -parter with the Advanced Rules and a challenging scenario, “Mortain 1944”.

• An onslaught of spears
Author Jeffrey James takes us back to the eleventh century, when the peoples of Britain were scourged by the Danes and you needed a degree in Nordic languages to get along with your neighbours. But there’s fun to be had with fast, furious games with heroes and warbands…

• Recce
A packed review section this month with views on a huge range of books, rulesets, miniatures, scenics, paints and accessories.

• Competition
No less than three prizes up for grabs this month from spy-fi specialists Crooked Dice.

• Combat Stress Appeal
More news of our Appeal, including unveiling the charity’s new logo and the Editor’s plan for charity art auctions.

Together with a host of messages from your favourite wargame companies, that should keep you busy for a while!

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