EBay Auction for Combat Stress Begins Tonight

After a few technical gremlins which prevented me from getting things underway yesterday as I intended, our Australian WWII infantryman, sculpted by the talented Mike Broadbent who is best known for his work with Eureka Miniatures and painted by veteran Andy MacDonald-Rice, begins its journey towards raising a chunk of funds for the Battlegames Combat Stress Appeal.

World War II Australian Infantryman Combat Stress Commemorative Miniature

The eBay auction will begin this evening at 20:04:39 GMT. I’ve scheduled it for a UK evening finish so that supporters around the world will also be able to bid at relatively civilised times of day.

Look for the following auction title:

28mm painted WW2 Australian infantryman for Battlegames Combat Stress Appeal” listed in category Toys & Games > Wargames & Role-Playing > Table Top/ Historical.

The Item Number is 150951426039.

The auction page on eBay is now live here.

Bidding opens at a measly £0.99 GBP to make sure that any of you can afford to bid, so please participate! Of course, we’re hoping to raise a great deal more than this by the end of the bidding, which lasts for 10 days.

100% of the proceeds of the auction will go to Combat Stress via eBay’s MissionFish system.

1 Comment

  1. Just to say many thanks to all those who bid on the Australian Infantryman and a special thanks to the kind person who placed the winning bid. Your money is going to a very good and worthwhile cause.


    Andy Mac

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