An Apology to Rob Burman
Following my recent interview for the Meeples & Miniatures podcast, I have been contacted by Rob Burman, formerly Editor of Tabletop Gaming and now head of PR and Marketing at Mantic Games. Rob was concerned that […]
Following my recent interview for the Meeples & Miniatures podcast, I have been contacted by Rob Burman, formerly Editor of Tabletop Gaming and now head of PR and Marketing at Mantic Games. Rob was concerned that […]
This is the final time I shall be posting updates about the magazine I’ve nurtured for the last ten years, including the last three years as a joint title. Next month, it reverts to its former name […]
I have received numerous queries relating to the magazine in recent days and since many of these issues relate to matters over which I have no control, such as the digital edition and the new […]
As the Olympics reach their climax and the wargamer about town looks for new things to hold his attention, issue 401 lands on his doormat just in time! In To the next river, the fifth […]
With the Salute show guide free this month, giving us a monster issue with 96 pages, we’ve got a packed magazine overflowing with wargaming goodies: David Burden and James Fisher report on the efforts of […]
The new season is already underway and this issue has plenty to get your wargaming juices flowing: Charles S Grant celebrates the life and work of his friend, the popular military artist, historian and genial […]
Huge apologies to Carronade, Knuckleduster and Hoka Hey whose advertisements I inexplicably failed to insert into the ‘normal’ part of issue 372. No-one but me is to blame. By way of recompense, please take a […]
Miniature Wargames with Battlegames issue 371 will be published 21st February and here’s what you can look forward to: Forward Observer: Neil Shuck looks at the diversity of games that can be played on a […]
Miniature Wargames with Battlegames issue 370 will be in the shops and on your iPads later this week (official publication date Friday 25th January) and here’s what you can look forward to: Forward Observer: Neil […]
Good grief, it’s that time again and issue 369 is on the presses, with publication slated for Friday 20th December in time for Christmas. So what’s in store for the festive season issue? • My […]
© Copyright Henry Hyde 2024-