Back from the Front

I imagine that most people will have missed this short programme made my Jeremy Paxman for BBC News24. One World: Back from the Front is a short but very moving and enlightening piece, interviewing three recent Veterans about their experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan.

But for me, it reinforced precisely why I launched the Battlegames Combat Stress Appeal, as at least one of the interviewees is clearly a potential candidate for precisely the kind of help that Combat Stress are struggling to provide.

So forgive me for adding this sobering note to the blog, but I do encourage you to spare half an hour to see it whilst it’s still available on iPlayer until Sunday 1st February. You might then feel inclined to pop over to our JustGiving Battlegames Combat Stress Appeal online appeal page to pop a few coins into the collection tin, so to speak, but that’s up to you.

I have just been sent the news that you can now use PayPal to make donations on the JustGiving website as well as credit cards. Just click the ‘Donate Now’ button and follow the simple instructions.

1 Comment

  1. Henry,

    as a soldier myself I appreciate the efforts done for the combat stress appeal.
    I have a fund raising idea I would like to share…
    On the OSW group and other Blogs one can always find comments on how great these massive OS games are and what a privilige it is to meet and play with Grant, how others would love to be there and play…
    So why not auction an OS wargame with the Grants, Olleys, Hydes… on their OS terrain with their model armies refighting Minden or some other great 7YW battle (even turning it into a Battlegames feature).
    I’m sure this would be a fun way to raise money for a good cause.
    Just an idea/suggestion.

    aka rf2peter

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