Special 10 Per Cent Discount for Shop Relaunch
How about 10% off? To celebrate the relaunch of the Shop section on the blog, I’m giving a 10% discount off all Battlegames downloads for the rest of August. That’s right, 10% off any combination […]
How about 10% off? To celebrate the relaunch of the Shop section on the blog, I’m giving a 10% discount off all Battlegames downloads for the rest of August. That’s right, 10% off any combination […]
After much tweakification behind the scenes, the shop section on the blog is back up and running. The main difference is that the new Easy Digital Downloads plug-in, together with a little tweak at PayPal, appears […]
In a few weeks time, Iain Burt will be invading the Loftwaffe, bringing the mighty hordes of the Gateway Alliance to do battle with the forces of Prunkland. Time, therefore, for some preparation! Back in […]
After an interval of rather more than a year, Jonathan Reinhart asked to interview me again for his Wargaming Recon podcast. As usual, the conversation wandered this way and that, covering a wide variety of different […]
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