Tweet, tweet! Is that Henry on a telephone wire?

Well, blow me down with a feather, after resisting for months, I have finally succumbed to the temptations of Twitter. You can follow my ‘tweets’, for so they are named, I am told, both here on the blog (they should appear in the right-hand column), or by becoming a ‘follower’ if you have a Twitter account yourself, of my posts at

I tried Facebook a few months ago, and shrank away from the sudden onslaught that created, but Twitter appears to offer a handy way of giving you haiku-sized updates about subscription deliveries, latest developments and so on, when a full-blown blog or website entry would seem like overkill.

Since I am also the proud owner of an iPhone, it also has the advantage of being accessible via such mobile devices when I’m out and about, so the possibilities for bang-up-to-the-minute updates are thought provoking…


  1. Thanks Henry. I have been studiously avoiding my twitter account because of the overwhelming amount of noise in the twitter-verse and now you have to go and put something of interest out there. 😉

    I look forward to seeing your updates.

  2. Welcome to the twittersphere Henry. Nice to see you tweeting. I’ve been doing it for ages and have got 3 twitter accounts for various things. The one I associate with my Grants Grimsby Wargames Blog is

    However I took my tweets off my blog to keep my blog focused on other things. Twitter is great for promoting and marketing.

    Did you know you could also upload pics to your twitter account? I use twitpic with my twitter login on occasion and of course, its good if you want to promote a website or blog and can put urls into your tweets.

    Recently I have revamped the Grimsby Wargames Society Official Website, which is also my blog, and it is on There is an ability on in which you can “publicize” to Yahoo Updates, Facebook and Twitter. Go to “My Account” after you’ve logged into WordPress, then “My Blogs”. There you will see a list of your blogs and options to Publicize. Tick Twitter, for example, where it will prompt you for your twitter password etc so that WordPress can connect the 2. After that it means that each time you update the Battlegames Blog, it will automatically be tweeted. Hope that helps.

    Shall be following your twitter later so if you find your tweets are being followed by grimsbywargames, gywargames and sonofgallifrey – they’re all mine!

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