The Wargaming Compendium Digital Version Withdrawn


What an exciting weekend it has been: to my enormous surprise, The Wargaming Compendium appeared in Kindle format on Amazon, followed quickly by the iBook on the Apple Store and then, after a short delay, on the Pen & Sword website.

Sadly, my joy didn’t last long. A quick read through the various versions revealed that an unacceptable number of formatting errors had crept in that should have been addressed at the conversion stage.

Therefore I made immediate representations to Pen & Sword and as a result, the current digital version of The Wargaming Compendium will be withdrawn from sale at all online stores within 24 hours.

This will give us the opportunity to correct as many as possible of the issues that have been caused by those responsible for converting the book into Kindle and ePub format.

The current version will be replaced as quickly as possible – hopefully within the next 10-14 days – by an error-free version in which photos are accompanied by their proper captions, what was sidebar text in the printed version does not appear in random positions, the now irrelevant index is removed and any other glitches we can find are corrected.

The limitations of the digital format mean that we cannot, sadly, exactly reproduce my original design of the hardback, if for no other reason than the fact that Kindle and iBooks permit the reader to change font size, typefaces and so on.

Pen & Sword are working hard to make it possible for anyone who has already purchased the digital format to have it replaced with the corrected version by supplying proof of purchase, so please hang on to your Amazon and Apple Store receipts. My thanks to Kariss Ainsworth in particular for her prompt and highly professional response to this difficult situation which was not, I hasten to point out, caused by Pen & Sword themselves.

More updates will follow as I have them. Please tune in on Twitter @battlegames or @MiniatureWG, on the Facebook page and of course here.



  1. Hi Henry,
    Amazon users should turn on ‘Automatic book updates’ from within their accounts to receive the updated book.

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