Technical Update

Just a short post, which serves two purposes.

Firstly, hello, yes, I’m still alive! I know it’s been a while, but those of you following my ‘other’ life on my professional blog will have seen that I’ve been suffering from overload and have had to make some radical decisions to sort that out.

Secondly, one of the decisions that followed my rethink was to NOT start yet another blog with a domain name I acquired – and – but instead to simply redirect that name to this, long-established blog and slightly broaden what I’ll cover here. But what it does mean is that you can now use either or or to reach this site. Depending on what you guys think, I might even change the name of the site to Wargaming Journal at some point.

The upshot of all this is that having cleared the decks somewhat, I hope to have a little more time to update this site more regularly and, fingers crossed, actually do some more gaming and painting of my own (lord knows I’ll have to dust the painting table first…).

So thanks for popping over, and as a thank you, here’s a random photo of a Hurricane and Spitfire at Duxford – it is, after all, the anniversary of ‘The Hardest Day’ in the Battle of Britain.

Hawker Hurricane and Supermarine Spitfire at Duxford
Hawker Hurricane and Supermarine Spitfire at Duxford IWM. Photo © Henry Hyde 2015


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