HG Wells Little Wars Dent and Sons 1913
J Candler Miniature Wargames du Temps Napoleon Ohio USA 1964
Joe Morshauser How to Play Wargames in Miniature Walker USA 1962
Don Featherstone Wargames Stanley Paul 1962
2nd revised edition 1970
Naval Wargames Stanley Paul 1965
Air Wargames Stanley Paul 1966
Advanced Wargames Stanley Paul 1969
Wargame Campaigns Stanley Paul 1970
Solo Wargaming Kaye and Ward 1973
Battles with Model Soldiers David and Charles 1970 RP 1984
PB edition 1973
With Keith Robinson Battles with Model Tanks Macdonald and James 1979
Skirmish Wargaming Patrick Stephens 1975
Battle Notes for Wargamers David & Charles 1973
Battles for Wargamers Poitiers 1356 C Knight 1972
Wargames Through the Ages Vol 1 3000BC – 1500 Stanley Paul 1972
Vol 2 1420 – 1783 1974
Vol 3 1792 – 1859 1975
Vol 4 1861 – 1945 1976
Wargaming Ancient & Medieval Period David and Charles 1976
Wargaming – Pike & Shot Period David and Charles 1977
Wargamers’ Handbook of the American Revolution Argus Books 1977
Wargaming Airborne Operations Kaye and Ward 1977
Tank Battles in Miniature 1) The Western Desert Campaign 1973
Patrick Stephens 4) The Mediterranean Theatre 1977
Complete Wargaming Handbook Unwin PB 1986
Complete Wargaming David and Charles 1988
Wargaming in History Peninsular War Argus 1991
Tackle Model Soldiers This Way Stanley Paul 1963
Handbook for Model Soldier Collectors Kaye and Ward 1969
Military Modelling Kaye and Ward 1970
Better Military Modelling Kaye and Ward 1977
Macdonald of the 42nd Seeley Service 1971
All for a Shilling a Day Jarrolds 1966
Bowmen of England Jarrolds 1967
PB New English Library 1973
PB Leo Cooper 2003
At Them with the Bayonet: The First Sikh War Jarrolds 1968
PB New English Library 1974
Captain Careys Blunder: Death of the Prince Imperial Leo Cooper 1973
PB New English Library 1975
Colonial Small Wars 1837-1902 David & Charles 1973
Conflict in Hampshire
Weapons and Equipment of the Colonial Soldier Blandford 1978
Victoria’s Enemies 19th Century Colonial Wars Blandford 1989
Victorian Colonial Warfare Africa 1842-1902 Weidenfeld & Nicholson
Victorian Colonial Warfare Africa 1842-1902 Blandford PB 1993
Victorian Colonial Warfare India – Conquest of Scinde to the Indian Mutiny Weidenfeld & Nicholson 1992
Blandford PB 1993
Tel el Kebir PB Osprey 1993
Khartoum Gordon Relief Expedition
Omdurman Dongola Campaign PB Osprey 1994
Campaigning with the Duke of Wellington Emperors Press 1993
Khaki and Red: Soldiers of the Queen in India and Africa Weidenfeld & Nicholson 1995
Redcoats for the Raj Valda 1996
Warriors and Warfare in Ancient and Medieval Times Constable 1997
Armies and Warfare in the Pike and Shot Era Constable 1998
Battlefield Walkers’ Handbook Airlife Books 1998
PB Crowood Press 2004
Bridges of Battle: Famous Battlefield Actions at Bridges and River
Crossings Wiedenfeld and Nicholson 1999
Charles Grant The War Game A and C Black 1971
The Ancient Wargame A and C Black 1974
Ancient Battles MAP 1977
Wargame Tactics Cassell 1979
Napoleonic Wargaming MAP 1974
The Battle of Fontenoy William Lunscombe 1975
Battle MAP 1970
The Black Watch Osprey SB 1971
The Coldstream Guards Osprey SB 1971
Royal Scots Greys Osprey SB 1972
Foot Grenadiers of the Imperial Guard Osprey SB 1971
Brig P Young &J P Lawford Charge! Or How to Play Wargames Morgan Grampian 1967
Charge! PB reprint BW cover Athena books 1986
S Asquith T Wise eds. Charge! Abridged amended version 1979 pb A5 booklet
George Gush A Guide to Wargaming Croom Helm 1980
Terry Wise Battle Gaming MAP 1969
Barry J Carter Naval Wargames WW1 &WW2 David and Charles 1975
P Dunn Sea Battle Games MAP 1970
Frank Hinchliffe The Hinchliffe Guide to Wargaming Hinchliffe Models 1975 Booklet
George Jeffrey The Napoleonic Wargame Almark 1974
David Nash Wargames Hamlyn 1975 PB
F E Perry A First book of Wargaming MAP 1977
The Second Book of Wargaming MAP 1978
Henry Harris How to Go Collecting Model Soldiers
Charles F Wesencraft Practical Wargaming Elmfield Press 1974
With Pike and Musket Elmfield Press 1978
John Sanders An Introduction to Wargaming Pelham Books 1975
Gavin Lyall Operation Warboard A & C Black 1976
Paddy Griffith Napoleonic Wargaming for Fun Ward Lock 1980
Shire Publications
John Tunstill Discovering Wargames 1966
Arthur Taylor Rules for Wargaming 1971
George Gush; R Stephenson, P Purton Discovering English Civil Wargaming 1973
D Teague Discovering Modelling for Wargamers 1973
Tom McGowan Wargaming Franklin Watts 1985
Bruce Quarrie Napoleon’s Campaigns in Miniature Patrick Stephens 1975 2nd 1977
Ed. PSL Guide to Wargaming PSL 1980
Phil Barker Alexander the Great’s Campaigns PSL
Know the Game: Wargaming E P Publishing 1976
Tony Bath Hannibal’s Campaigns
Setting Up a Wargames Campaign WRG 1973
Charles S Grant Scenarios for Wargamers 1982
Programmed Wargames Scenarios 1983
Battles for Wargamers
Terry Wise 2nd Punic War 1972
Roman Civil Wars 1972
WW2 Western Desert 1972
Tunisia 1973
Peninsular War 1974
Wargaming in History Argus
Don Featherstone Peninsular War 1991
Simon MacDowall Goths Huns and Romans 1990
Paul Stevenson The American Civil War
Edwin Herbert The Second Anglo Boer War
Charles S Grant Waterloo 1990
Airfix Guides
Terry Wise 24 ACW 1977
George Gush ECW
Bruce Quarrie 15 WW2 1976
Phil Barker 9 Ancients
Bruce Quarrie 4 Napoleonic 1974
Tank Battles in Miniature
Don F. 1 Western Desert Campaigns 1973
Bruce Quarrie 2 Russian Campaign 1976
Don F 3 Mediterranean 1977
Bruce Quarrie 4 Western European Campaign 1977
Bruce Quarrie 5 Arab Israeli War
Knight’s Battles for Wargamers Charles Knight
Ed. P Young Saratoga 1777 J Sweetman 1971
First Bull Run 1861 Peter Davies & John H Cooper 1971
Chancellorsville 1863 JH Cooper 1971
Alma 1854 Henry Harris 1971
Borodino 1812 ER Holmes 1971
Minden 1759 HN Cole 1972
Poitiers 1356 DF Featherstone 1972
Dettingen 1743 Michael Orr 1972
Vittoria Col. J. Lawford 1973
Background Books for Wargamers William Lunscombe
Fontenoy C Grant 1971
Salamis Richard Nelson 1971
Waterloo BJ Hurren 1971


  1. Dear Henry,

    I’ve enjoyed reading your list. I have quite a few of the books, although far too many slipped through my hands – I should have brought them when I had the chance. Can I make one minor addition? The Knight’s Battles for Wargamers series also include the book “Oudenarde 1708” by Eversley Belfield.

    Keep up the good work.


  2. Hi,
    A very comprehensive list of publications on war games. You list a couple that I need to get, thanks. I wonder why you do not include, “Shambattle: How to Play with Toy Soldiers” (1929) by Harry G. Dowdall and Joseph H. Glason. first wargame rules for miniatures published in United States. Michael Korn’s “Modern War in Miniature ” (1966) is another old school book, almost the first role play war game.

    Thanks for putting this list together. Great fun to remember some of those old time games.

  3. I have long had a 4 page photocopy of an 18th Cent. ruleset for 5/6mm miniatures written by Charlie Wesencraft and published in ‘Wargames’ magazine (c.1985 ?). Unfortunately it was full of typos (especially the game charts) and was a bit unclear so I never got around to playing it despite the fact that it was intrigingly innovative and simple. It is definately old school and is designed for large battles using units on brigade bases.
    I would like to pick your brains, if you would be so kind, and try and find out if it was published elsewhere in a corrected format?
    Thankyou. Regards John.

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