Miniature Wargames with Battlegames issue 363 coming soon

Miniature Wargames with Battlegames issue 363 front coverDon’t they come around quickly? Miniature Wargames with Battlegames issue 363 is on the presses, due for publication on 21st June. This issue is jam-packed with gaming stuff.

The contents are as follows:

• Forward Observer: Neil Shuck visits UK Games Expo in Birmingham, celebrates the reprinting of “Operation Warboard” by Gavin Lyall, ponders the ever-increasing popularity of steampunk, gets excited about the groundswell of gaming the Crusades and the ranges of miniatures available, examines MDF/HDF sci-fi scenery, mourns the demise of “Uncharted Seas”, finds himself tempted to retry a set of Lardy rules with a forthcoming release from Baccus, and is enthused by a new range of new spray paints. What a busy boy he’s been!

• Fort Kebab! Our wargames widow Diane Sutherland has been barbecue bonkers, collecting all the wooden sticks she can find to assemble a log fort. Crafty as always, Diane has created an impressive result that will suit games set in many periods.

• Fantasy facts: I did mention that the non-historical proof would be in the pudding, and here it is – veteran gamer John Treadaway picks up the column last seen in “Practical Wargamer”, tasked with keeping a close eye on developments in non-historical gaming. In this first outing, he takes a close look at some new offerings from Antenoceti, a range of vehicles inspired by the movie “Aliens”.

• No Messines about: Daniel Johnson makes a reappearance, not with another Crusades game, but with one of the most dramatic assaults of the First World War, which literally altered the geography of the region. Full details are given for restaging the 1917 attack on the Messines ridge, together with a game report, and Dan’s rules used for the game will be available for download on publication day.

• Command challenge: Mark Latham – yes, he of White Dwarf and Warhammer Historical fame – presents a cracking little Wild West scenario, “Reap the whirlwind”, in which Billy the Kid and the Regulators take on the Murphy-Dolan Faction. An exciting little game based on real-life events, this teaser will have you reaching for your miniature gunslingers!

• Send three and fourpence: Conrad Kinch, himself a blogger with a large following, offers a handful of useful tips for running your own blog and maintaining your own, as well as your visitors’, enthusiasm.

• Whispering death: Dillon Browne describes how he set about creating an exciting, fast-play WWII convoy attack ruleset for the Oxford club’s Round Robin tournament. You also find out how to create your own hex mat and , as if that wasn’t enough, you get a full set of rules for the game too!

• From Vietnam to Nieuw Friesland: when I started talking to John Treadaway about coming aboard the magazine, I had to confess that although I knew of “Hammer’s Slammers”, I hadn’t the faintest idea what it involved, nor what it was based on. John therefore obliged with this background article and the facts are fascinating, revealing that the sci-fi classics by Dave Drake are firmly rooted in the author’s real-life experiences.

• Take that, you varlet! Medievalist Dan Mersey strikes again, this time with a cracking little game for two or more players based on a medieval foot tourney. With full rules provided, there’s fast and furious fun to be had by wargamers seeking bragging rights at the club!

• Muster mayhem: we can rely on Arthur Harman to present ideas that are firmly left of field, and this one’s a classic – let’s play a wargame of a _re-enactment_ of a fictitious battle! The tabletop game itself is but part of the overall fun, with players taking the roles of the various locals involved in organising and presenting the event, with all the petty politics often rife in re-enactment societies. Not to be taken remotely seriously, this makes for a fun get-together for a group of friends or a club.

• Sprange attack: Conrad Kinch has been scratching at the editorial door for more work, so we let him loose on Mongoose Publishing’s Matthew Sprange, who reveals the inside story on their latest “Rogue Trooper” and “victory at Sea” projects, including the exciting new 3D-printing ships.

• Thoughts from an armchair: after a bit of medical leave, Mike Siggins returns with one of his occasional columns, discussing the merits of entry-level historical gaming, including Byron Collins’ “Frontline General” and “Sergeants Miniatures Game”, and finishing with a recommendation for armour enthusiasts.

• Recce: stuffed to the gunnels again, we have reviews of a wide range of stuff, from Ospreys to model kits and wargames rules to miniatures. We’ve even thrown in an airbrush and compressor for good measure.

• To round up, we of course have our Combat Stress appeal, messages from your favourite companies, a secret surprise page and a competition to win a signed copy of my book “The Wargaming Compendium”.

That’ll do – I’m straight on to issue 364 already!

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