Oh, the frantic activity that precedes a weekend of wargaming! Having been somewhat busy with producing issue 29 of Battlegames and the writing of a certain book, a lot of my planning for the Byzarbian adventure has been crammed in to odd late night nooks and crannies, a few minutes snatched here, half an hour snatched there, but at last, the project approaches fruition.
As an example of the kind of thing that comes up at the last minute we have the creation of the Prunkländische Ostindische Kompanie, the brainchild, in fact, of Simon Tonkiss.
If you cast your mind back to the events of the Grenouissian Intermezzo last year, you will recall that since I was umpiring the campaign, I could hardly get involved with commanding troops from my own beloved Prunkland, but Simon (known as Goat Major on the WD3 forum) gamely stepped into the breach and acquitted himself bravely, though the regiments he raised himself were cruelly set upon by Grenouissian heavy cavalry. Drawing a discreet veil over those events and coming right up to date, the wily King Ludwig of Prunkland understands that it would not look good if his armed forces were seen to become embroiled in a dispute over Byzarbia, protectorate of now neutered Granprix. With a majestic piece of diplomatic conjuring, therefore, certain units have been recast as private enterprises in the employ of the Prunkländische Ostindische Kompanie, with Generalmajor von Hauptzeige at their head as Regional Manager.
Simon pointed out that the POK really ought to have its own flag, so last night I set about creating the one you can see below.

Let’s hope that the troops live up to their motto!
More updates about B-Day in Byzarbia will follow until I set out for northern climes on Thursday.
Rather late to the party, alas, but I approve of those colors heartily: a fine piece of vexillology.
Thank you, Ken. I do enjoy heraldry and vexillology, even if it is a tongue-twister!