An Apology to Rob Burman

Following my recent interview for the Meeples & Miniatures podcast, I have been contacted by Rob Burman, formerly Editor of Tabletop Gaming and now head of PR and Marketing at Mantic Games.

Rob was concerned that I had misinterpreted his reasons for leaving Warners and wished to make it clear that in fact, his motives were nothing to do with content in Tabletop Gaming, but rather entirely personal and related to his family life.

Rob also wants to reassure readers of Miniature Wargames that the new centre section will not consist entirely of Mantic Games related content and will, in fact, cover a wide variety of fantasy and science fiction gaming. I’m sure that this will be reassuring to MW readers.

I have no axe to grind with Rob and indeed, have always found him to be a likeable and highly professional individual – Mantic are lucky to have him! Clearly, in regard to his motives, I made an incorrect assumption and therefore I wish to apologise to him personally for any offence I may have caused him in my recent revelations about my departure from Miniature Wargames.

1 Comment

  1. I certainly didn’t feel that what you said in the interview was ‘axe-grinding’.
    Its also perfectly correct of you Henry to apologise for incorrectly speculating on a matter. If anyone does think that to have someone who works for a company in a PR related field should not be in charge of editing a (section of a) magazine related to their business then who could blame them.

    Personally that is exactly what I suspect and with little interest in Mantic’s products make me far less likely to purchase MW in future.

    Good luck in your future ventures. My guess is you have made the right decision is leaving.

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  1. Meeples & Miniatures – Episode 178 – An Apology to Rob Burman – Meeples & Miniatures

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