Not content to slave over a hot map, I’ve also had my thinking cap on fielding questions about the Shot, Steel & Stone rules we’ll be using next weekend and wielding Photoshop on behalf of the Empire of Borscht, commanded by Dave McClumpha (Buff Orpington on the Loose Association of Wargamers forum).
Here, then, is the result of my deliberations: the regimental colours of Borscht’s Infantry Regiment Nº.1. Various other units will also be provided with colours, both infantry and cavalry.
I don’t speak Russian, but Google Translate is a marvellous thing! The motto reads “strength and honour and borscht”! The word at the top is “infantry”.
The colour scheme I have chosen is to match the way Dave is painting his army, which apparently looks fairly Russian (I haven’t seen it yet), with green and red predominating. The crown is in the style of a Hapsburg Imperial crown and the beetroot is, errr… in the style of a beetroot. (Borscht… Beetroot… Geddit?… Oh, never mind!)

Better late than never but I want to express my gratitude on line as well as personally. how you found time to fit this little job in amongst all the other prep I’ll never know. There must be some truth in the old adage “If you want a job done quickly give it to a busy man”.
The colours looked great even if I was still fitting them at breakfast one the Saturday morning. Next time they shall be resplendent with finials and cravats.
You’re very welcome, Dave, it was my pleasure. I’ve always enjoyed heraldry and vexillology (hard to say after a long day!) and nowadays, a combination of the information available on the Web plus the amazing capabilities of Photoshop mean that one can produce stunning results fairly quickly. It also allows me free rein to get playful in making the flags unique to the imagi-nations. Maybe one day someone will get the puns!
I look forward to seeing the flags fully garnished and wreathed with – beetroot leaves, perhaps?
It looks a great game, on a grand scale. I recognise old infantry and cavalry from Charge! and The War Game.
I notice the figures are based in multiples. What rules are being used?
Hi Mike, the rules are my own “Shot, Steel & Stone” from The Wargaming Compendium.
The rules are the part that I’ve not read. My wife says I’m dipping in the book like a box of chocolates. Reading bits from the menu that catch my interest. I’m off to Phalanx this Saturday and I’ve mailed Dave at Caliver to bring The Wars of Absolutism for me as there are no clubs or gamers in my area so solo is my game format for now.
Thanks that has definitely points me in the right direction.
Cheers Neil
Great looking flag Henry. I need to work on some flags of my own for my own imaginations force. Where do you get the different graphics like crowns etc. to add to your flags?
Thanks Neil.
You’d be amazed what a useful resource Wikipedia is for heraldic devices. See, for example,