Dahlia and Chindrastan Place Names Appeal

Dahlia and Chindrastan © Henry Hyde 2017
A recent map created by the Editor, the sub-continent of Dahlia and Chindrastan.
Dahlia and Chindrastan © Henry Hyde 2017
The sub-continent of Dahlia and Chindrastan, created for the forthcoming book Wargaming Campaigns to be published by Pen & Sword in 2018. ©Henry Hyde 2017.


This is my new, imaginary sub-continent of Dahlia and Chindrastan. I have created it for forthcoming wargaming campaigns, but it also forms a critical part of my next book for Pen & Sword, because I have been describing in words and pictures precisely how I have created it.

But now the time has come for you, my friends, to play a part.

You will see on the map that there are little black squares. These are cities. And for every one of those, more detailed, ‘zoomed-in’ versions of the map will show that there are dozens of smaller towns and villages. Each of the squares is 100 miles across!

In due course, every single one of these places will require a name. Initially, they will be needed as opposing forces explore the map, probably making landings on the coast and exploring up the major rivers, trading and fighting with the indigenous population living along the banks, but gradually heading further into the interior.

So, based on a conversation I had with a friend a while ago, I am ‘crowdsourcing’ ideas for place names. You can submit as many as you like, but they need to sound as though they originated in the sub-continent, which of course is vaguely reminiscent of India/Pakistan/Afghanistan/Bangladesh, but also perhaps a little Indonesian in that island range up in the north-east.

The names need to be fictitious, though they could of course be based on Hindi, Urdu or other ‘real world’ languages. They could be funny or serious, or even a bit naughty, but not downright filthy as that might offend any readers who actually speak those languages!

For your guidance, the equator is at the bottom of the map and you’ll see another line near the vertical centre indicating “The Tropic of the Goat”. Climate-wise, therefore, the southern parts will likely be very hot and wet, becoming hot and dry as you head north, and the very northern edge is akin to the Himalayas.

So, get your thinking hats on and comment below with your suggestions. Any that are used will earn you a mention in the book! (I hope to have quite a long list of names in the acknowledgements.) You can be specific about which part of the map you think your suggestions suit, or just crank out some random silly place names – I really don’t mind!

Join in the fun!

P.S. Before anyone else sends me stuff written in non-Arabic scripts, please ensure that the names are written Anglicised, as they sound – I don’t want to have to deal with all sorts of unusual fonts on my maps and names that nobody can read!

P.P.S. The names can be based on foods, drinks, brand names, Bollywood, anything you like… This is entirely fictitious!

P.P.P.S. Please don’t give me advice about how to create place names. I’ve been doing that for decades! I’m asking you to participate by contributing a few names of your own as a fun way for you to be part of the project. If you can’t be bothered, that’s fine, move along!


Update 6th September 2017: the suggestions box for place names is now closed. Thank you to everyone who contributed and, as promised, if your place names are featured on the final map, your name will be recorded in the book.


  1. What fun! Just listened to The Veteran Wargamer podcast. Here’s my 6.

    Adhika-Kamatar (means “Greater-Lesser”) and the rival sister city
    Yahaan (means “here”)
    Laal Kila (Red Fort)
    Prapata (Cliff)
    Basa (Enough!)

  2. Hi Henry,

    I am thinking that Disimla may be a good name for a hill station…..(actually a lowland fortification may be more appropriate).

    All the best,


  3. Henry
    If it is a country or continent called Dahlia, there should at least be one place or even air base called Roald in your new map of Dahl-ia. Another place called BeeEffGee, Charlee (where there is an excellent chocolate factory) and so on and so on …
    And a place or desert continent called Tarka which is a little otter than Dahlia.
    Mark, Man of TIN

  4. Pushmeerga and their sworn enemies on the other side of the valley, the Pullaheen

    Hastim, Preenkeps, and Trya, descendants of a long lost legion.

    Ghorkhal – home to a fierce mountain tribe with poor dental health and an unusual skin tone.

    The protofascist coastal villages of Djatsalfulks, Djatswrong and Djatsreich

    Potiala know for their fine cuisine and Ewing system monorail.

    The village of Tamiltubbil known for its unusual headdresses; bright, primary coloured clothing, and pink haversacks

    Poumfreckt An independent trading canton established by European socialists to help the oppressed locals via an ethically grown, fair trade licorice coop farm.

    New Dahli – a populous city known for its unusual artistic style.

    Bunbay or Bunbai, known locally as Mumspie – excellent baked goods

    Wahzooristan – at the headwaters of the Wahzoo river, the very last outpost of civilization.

    Afghanada (courtesy of the Canadian Broadcast Corporation) A cold and snowy but very polite village.

    Candaharharhar A small place with a smaller sense of humour. I may be reaching now.

    • Asterbygin – one of the few teetotalling villages, they feel it necessary to make up for the deficiencies of their neighbours. Also know for growing and arranging flowers.

      Swot in the Swot valley – known for having a higher than average level of education

      Xanadoom – Characterized by elaborate mating rituals set to a music with a snappy dance beat. Also the centre of a Thugee like cult.

      Prawnpore – a coastal fishing village.

      Simila – just like any other village.

      Mangolore – know for their tree fruit.

      Amysore – half way point on the footy-express mail route

      Goer – know for it’s more prurient exports

      Spamritsar – producer of foods that keep well

      Hydraabad – Centre of snake worship

  5. How about a play on the most common family name in India: Patel.
    Or incorporating Mahatma Ghandhi:
    And for some reason the name ‘Reg’ comes to mind:
    Some of the other offerings are brilliant, by the way ~ love the play on you name, Henry.
    How about using some of the names from Kipling’s ‘Jungle Book’, however I’m not sure what the situation would be re. copyright:
    It might be worthwhile incorporating the name ‘SOUTER’ somewhere, especially in the North West Frontier region. Lt SOUTER saved the colours of the 44th Regiment (later 1st Battalion, Essex Regiment) when they were wiped out at Kandamuk in 1842, during the retreat from Kabul (but I’m sure you knew that anyway, sorry).

  6. How about names from any of the cast of Goodness Gracious Me the BBC 90s comedy series?
    Or any of their comic creations and catch phrases such as Chunky Lafunga (lafunga means “hooligan”) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goodness_Gracious_Me_(BBC)

    The other source is food, whilst lots of place names in Britain and elsewhere have given their name to food (cheddar / bakewell / Stilton etc) Reversing this around – what about places named after Indian and Asian food?
    Dimsum etc

  7. Here are a couple for you, with a bit of history for each:
    SHANKAR – The Black city of the north, has a perhaps unfounded reputation for necromancy due to the fact that not only is it built out of black stone, but even the local woods are dark. In cloudy or otherwise dark northen nights it gives supstance to the word “dark”, and in the winter with all the coal and woodsmoke, it gives meaning to the word “grimy”.

    GOLGAR – The city of the Red Band. When it was built, the Governor’s Palace/Castle was constructuced out of light coloured stone. Except for a band or red granite that went around the walls, form which traitors and other malefactors are hanged in full view of the public.

  8. I think, given the amount of free roaming cattle there’s likely to be, that there should be at least one Cowpatt (or Kowpatt) per province, probably several.

  9. Oolong
    Chittibangbang or just Chittibang
    Nuyk Nyuk

  10. How about the famous market town of Costcutta or the infamous fleshpot of Fungalore? The best silk is made by the spinners of Googli, Doosra and Muralitharan (this last being on the island of Lankasri), while Tulwar is famous for its swordsmiths.

  11. I thought some of the place names could be based on som of my favourite Indian dishes.


    I’ll have to stop now, I’m getting hungry

  12. Hi Henry.
    Goodness what a lovely map. Striking and realistic.
    Below are names, one per letter of the alphabet.
    El Wilyum
    Jade City
    Best of fortune and satisfaction for your endeavor.
    Cheers and bravos,

  13. I can’t think of anything more satisfying than having my own name in a Henry Hyde creation. I propose ‘Byramundi’ as named after a long dead (and probably eaten) missionary!

  14. Hydestan

  15. Hi Henry
    Great map.
    I love this kind of stuff, so spent an hour seeing what I could come up with. (some are better than others!) Here goes: Delililah, Hyderagud, Jansniz and Boomzadaizi, Amalaprop, Arrears, Bajpuz, Fizzipopp, Barbi, Sindi, Byerliiv, Chadrak, Chiddi, Andipandi, Chirktael, Dharlejing, Dhamtaxis, Dhambrexit, Bharmait, Dhuxbak, Jagular, Uttarnuunsens, Dhublsiqs, Dhubllupm, Dhummi, Dwaahaahaa, Gobakwuts, Gangriin, Fiqsgrin, Gurdiun, Jammi, Jammink, Jharjam, Jhumpa OR Voolijhumpa, Kalel, Kannotel, Karausell, Kavanus, Kendol (near Barbi), Kriketbatt, Hennite, Lankileks, These three can probably be found near a table mountain: Madatta, Dhormauz, Vaitrabid, Mahlingara, Makrami, Mani, Manivest, Mattamatiqs, Al-legrou, Al-ibai, Mudidijh, Muvinnup, Naggin, Nagidizair, Bananarama, Pyjamarama, Naraparagarama, Nananah, Itwikkit, Nilbimout, Noorduz, Odzanivanz, Pakrat, Palomain, Pattikeik, Panpan, Panpanpan, Kiuutpanda, Pappapoppa, Paadunmi, Paatikeiq, Buutstraaps, Phantazzi, Qqiqq, Qqikli, Rajvarni, Rajisaid, Girgh, Ramallamallallalah, Ip, Rosinosi, Ruperdbehr, Gwari, Salari, Samolstori, Savinryan, Chiisarni, Hahah, Shirdail, Survsup, Shrilli, Appatta, Acuppati, Sidjeims, Sinnaji, Bludonoh, Hastiritreet, Tandhaid, Todalai, Udderdelait, Ainjeldelait, Djellibeen, Vaitvanman, Villiphi

  16. How about:
    Upsi Daisi
    Kalabar (ruled by the Kharzi).
    Doolally Tup
    Klapharm Junction

    Hope these help

      • I forgot Djelli Bebi and Djelli Bean. 2 towns fighting a bitter war about gelatenous confectionry representing the great God Djelli. The peace loving people of Djelli Belli accept both, resulting in the town being reknowned for their extra large belts.
        Over the hill is the plain of Pringaal, whose people do interesting things with potatoes.
        Along the coast is the town of Baari and its accompanying island. On the island live the terrifying Amazon tribe of the Neesas. Many a man has been paralysed by their warcry of “Oiwatzoccurin”. There are rumours they are cannibals as they have never seem to have salad at any of their celebrations.
        The men of Luvalliboi are famed for their wide shoulders and singing voices.

        It must be time for my medication….Nurse the screens!

  17. Kitilyta and Chatdopoo can anyone explain why the spell checker wanted to turn the first one into lithography. I would suggest the first one for a dry sandy area.

  18. To build on Steve’s suggestion could you not build some lists of initial, middle, and endings of Indian sounding names. Then use a random generator (dice if you want to go low tech) to produce variants of these. You would not need all that many, for example 20 of each would give you 8000 names to choose from. You could vary this somewhat by region, for example for mountainous regions in the north use Nepalese style name roots and so forth.

    • Yes, Keith, I could do that and have already spent decades exploring different ways that *I* can generate names — but the whole point here is to get *you* guys to participate and become part of the history and background to the continent. I didn’t have to get anyone’s advice about how to create names — I just thought this soulful s be a fun idea.

      • I just thought that with several hundreds or thousands of names to create you might want a way to generate some. My apologies if I was raising an idea that had already occurred to you. Please feel free to delete my suggestion.

        • Don’t worry, Keith – depending on how many suggestions I get, I may indeed go down that sort of path, but initially my aim is to get the wargaming community involved in the creation of this place and, eventually, with luck they may even take part in campaigns at some point. It was always possible for me to do it all myself – though I shudder to think of the additional hours I would be expending – and of course have done so for all the other maps I have created since I started my image-nations folly in 1981.

    • Just to add a few actual suggestions based on one of my favourite film franchises.


  19. Look! I have discovered the mountain of ” Aapakee ongalee bevakooph” simply by pointing at it on a map and asking a local what it is called….

  20. I’d like to nominate Yashvanti as one of the place names. I don’t know what it actually means but it was the name of a particular lizard who played a part in the capture of Kondana Fort by the Marathas in 1670. Yashvanti had a rope tied to him and he scaled the walls then wedged himself in a niche in the sheer rock face, allowing soldiers to climb up from an unexpected direction. He was apparently a Bengal monitor lizard, a species known locally as a Ghorpad, which might make another place name. It was one of my favourite little oddities included in my book.
    Phil Sidnell

  21. Puranapur.(Old town) The Khut of Utmalaya.(The bight of Utmalaya) The Pecaviquila. (The I have Scind Fort) Ayhoghiya. (making fun of yoga) Khotla Phallwallahnagar. Small vegetable seller village)
    I think they sound right and a re close enough for Jazz.

    • Actually that would be small fruit seller village, as vegetable would be Khotla Subjiwallahnagar.
      I always likes the village on the otherside of the Marg from me – Khotla Mubarakpur – Little Happy Town, and I used to work in Sundar Nagar – the beautiful village.

      • …add “apur” or “utta” or “ata” on the end in a random sequence then????? Nah – my apologies – thought I might be cheating….. :o))

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