What a difference a day makes…

So, how stupid do you think I feel having just got off the phone from my agent at Pen & Sword who now tells me that the container has been delayed and the book WON’T be available on 13th? Best guess is now end of June/early July.

Huge apologies about this, but there’s noone more disappointed than me.

I’ll keep you posted, but you’d best direct all enquiries to Pen & Sword.


  1. Hi Henry,

    Just to prove to all your blog-followers that the misinformation was in no way your fault, I thought I’d chip in and put my hand up. I had assured Henry it would be arriving in the P&S warehouse on the 13th as that was the information I’d been handed down. Only found out yesterday it is now likely to be end of June/early July. Sorry to all those of you eagerly awaiting a copy.

    A couple of sample copies have made it to our Barnsley offices and I am promised that at least one will be with me in Kent in time to show them off at the Broadside show in Sittingbourne on Sunday (hoping to hear the postman knock any second). Assuming it arrives, anyone who can make it to the show can get a sneak preview of it (if their hands are clean!) and pre-order a copy at a discounted price. This will also be Henry’s first chance to see the finished article.

    Sorry again Henry!

    Phil Sidnell
    Commissioning Editor (ie the guy who asked Henry to write ‘The Beast’, however many years ago that was)
    Pen & Sword Books

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